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Brownsea Island First Scout Camp

Baden-Powell's First Scout Camp on Brownsea Island

Brownsea Island - The First Camp

The title of this page is misleading - the camp BP organized from July 31st to August 9th, 1907, was actually an experimental summer camp to test his "scheme." The Brownsea Island Scout Camp was the world's first Scout camp and is regarded as the formal birth of the worldwide Scout movement. Robert Baden-Powell ran the camp to find out whether his methods would work with teenagers. He set up a nine-day summer camp on Brownsea Island, a 500-acre windswept tract in Poole. It is surprising, however, how many of the fully developed activities and methods are to be found in use at that first camp.

Brownsea Island - A Boyhood Adventure

Baden-Powell had visited Brownsea Island as a boy with his brothers. It covers 560 acres of woodland and open areas and features. Brownsea Island is in Poole Harbour about twenty miles west of the Isle of Wight.
