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Early Life And Health Challenges

WEB Daria Cassini, Daughter of Gene Tierney and Oleg Cassini

Early Life and Health Challenges

WEB Daria Cassini was born in Washington, D.C. in 1943. She was the daughter of actress Gene Tierney and designer Oleg Cassini. Daria was born prematurely, weighing just three pounds two ounces (1.4 kg), and contracted rubella (German measles) shortly after. Rubella can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy and can cause severe birth defects. Daria suffered from severe developmental disabilities as a result of the infection.

Impact of Rubella

Rubella is a preventable disease, but in the 1940s, vaccines were not yet available. The virus can cause serious birth defects if a pregnant woman becomes infected, including heart defects, cataracts, and developmental disabilities. Rubella was a significant public health concern at the time, and Daria's case highlighted the devastating consequences of the disease.

Life and Legacy

Despite her health challenges, Daria lived a long and fulfilling life surrounded by family and friends. She resided at the Maryhurst School in Oregon, a residential facility for individuals with developmental disabilities. According to her family, she had a sweet and gentle nature and enjoyed participating in activities such as music, art, and gardening.

Death and Remembrance

Daria Cassini passed away peacefully on September 11, 2010, at the age of 67. Her memory continues to serve as a reminder of the importance of public health measures and the impact of preventable diseases. She is fondly remembered by her family and friends as a beloved and cherished member of their lives.


The life of WEB Daria Cassini is a testament to the challenges and triumphs of living with a disability. Her story raises awareness about the devastating effects of rubella and highlights the importance of vaccination. Daria's memory continues to inspire those who knew her and serves as a reminder of the resilience and beauty that can be found in even the most challenging circumstances.
